It's time for change in the property market

Representatives from across the industry are working together

Finding ways to improve the process for home movers when buying and selling their property. Motivated by a genuine desire to effect change, participants from diverse sectors of the property industry have formed The Home Buying and Selling Council.

Latest Fall Through and Exchange Data

Home buying and selling process

The Ministry for Housing Communities and Local Government issued their response to the call for evidence on the reform of the Home Buying and Selling Process and The Home Buying and Selling Council is the lead industry group in which the Ministry for Housing Communities and Local Government and other government departments actively participate to develop and test improvements in the process.

Faciliating change

Smaller expert teams have been set up to focus on areas which we have agreed will bring the greatest improvement to the consumer. You can read more about the work of these groups under the projects page, they include:-

  • providing more information prior to offer to avoid mis-selling and reduce timescales
  • reservation agreements to reduce fall throughs and provide greater certainty,
  • improving the understanding of home movers and the education of property professionals,
  • reforming leasehold and estate rent charges to create a better balance between the interests of the parties.
  • working together to identify issues with industry working practices and identifying workable solutions
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